Monday, 7 April 2014

Sunny Days On The Slopes, UV Protection All Day Every Day

Sun filled days on the slopes - Enjoy but protect your skin from the UV rays!

If your child is going on an Easter School Trip they will be getting ready. Packing everything they can, ski socks, goggles, helmets, iPods, iPhone, you name it they will have it but will you remember sun screen? It's always packed for a summer holiday but's often missed of the packing list.

It’s a great time of the season to have some fun on the warm slopes with clear blue sky's but be warned the sun can be very strong and it’s easy to get burnt!

It's important to take extra steps to keep your skin safe on the mountain. At high altitudes, not only are you closer to the sun, but the atmosphere is thinner putting you at greater risk for sunburn. Also, the sun is reflected by the snow bouncing UV rays to all areas.

Conditions on the slopes can change quickly and often when you set out it's cloudy only to find when you go higher the sky's are clear so always carry sun cream with you. You don't want to waste ski time heading back down to grab some put it on before you leave for the day and carry a small tube with you.

Add it to you check list as you leave for the day, goggles,gloves,helmet,sun glasses,neck tube, SUN PROTECTION

Quote : Perry Robins, MD, President, The Skin Cancer Foundation
"It's easy to associate winter with frostbite and windburn, but most people are unaware that UV rays can be every bit as damaging on the slopes as on the beach. It's important to take proper precautions on the slope every day"

Higher altitude means increased risk of sun-induced skin damage, since UV radiation exposure increases 4 to 5 percent with every 1,000 feet above sea level. At an altitude of 9,000 to 10,000 feet, UV radiation may be 35 to 45 percent more intense than at sea level. In addition, snow reflects up to 80 percent of the UV light from the sun, meaning that you are often hit by the same rays twice. This only increases the risk for damage.

Don't Forget!
Make sure you pack them off with Sun screen and Lip balm in their case. It doesn't cost much and takes a second to apply, well worth it for protection from the harmful rays on the mountains. You wouldn't let them lay in the sun all day at the beach with out protection so apply the same rule on the slopes.

It's easy to forget that you can get sun burnt in the snow, but just take a look at all the instructors "Goggle Eyes"! You have seen them at Apres Ski partying with BIG white patches around the eyes.

Skiweb recommends you use factor 30 plus every day on the slopes. 
A pack of 10 small sachet's is perfect they are small and can fit in a pocket. 

Lips can get dry and chapped this lip screen is perfect giving SPF50.